Toppan Merrill – London/India

After a period of feasibility studies followed by an extensive specification building and requirement gathering process and working very closely with our IT and typesetting team, we decided the new system would fit all our needs and requirements fully. The new system would replace our existing Pagination System for creating comparison documents.

After the initial delivery which came in on time and on budget, a period of system review, user training, feedback cycles and beta testing was undertaken before the system went into live production work in January 2017. The system has delivered noticeable improvements at each stage of the production process with a more intuitive, modern future-proofed and highly extensible system.

The solution was developed and delivered in a collaborative partnership between tformat Ltd., AJS DataSolutions Ltd., and Ajeeo Ltd., collectively combining their solutions under a single umbrella of SQUAREMOONS Publishing Solutions Limited.

Vince Mills – Senior Document Specialist, Toppan Merrill.


The traditional way to produce Comparisons would be to export both new and previous versions of a document from the typesetting platform to MS Word, and DeltaView compare them.

However, this posed a huge risk of errors in the conversion process out of the typesetting system, while the output file also containing Word commands and marginal style notes which can make the proof difficult to engage with and affect pagination.

A first in our industry and in 2011 we worked with AJS DataSolutions Ltd, to develop a unique software enhancement that allowed us to produce Comparison proofs directly from our Typesetting platform. This meant Comparison files could be produced in a fraction of the time giving us a 400% time saving on comparisons that were easier to read, error-free and looked like the original printed PDF.

Albert Putnam – Typesetting Manager, Black&Callow.