Financial Publishing and Processing

Our Squaremoons financial solution (SQMF) is a document conversion and composition platform, with regulatory compliant comparison and mark-up validation, specifically designed for the specialist requirements of the financial print industry.

Overcome Competitive Demands

  • Speed of processing and turn-around
  • Flexibility to adapt and change
  • Accuracy & Compliance
  • Specialist Financial Typesetting

Conversion and Pre-processing

  • Fast conversion of MS Word documents into an efficient mark-up format
  • An environment to edit, author and structure the mark-up
  • The ability to control the mark-up with numerous user options

Composition and Document Life-cycle

  • Easy to use purpose-designed data model
  • Full manual WYSIWYG typesetting control with semi-automated processes
  • A flexible desktop typesetting environment, intuitive stylesheet and/or data-driven style and page layout control
  • Accurate blacklining (strikethrough/redlining/change tracking) at multiple proof cycle levels
  • Split & merge of large documents during composition and/or proofing stages
  • Rendering of UKLA/STBL and German/BaFin regulatory compliant comparison proofs

Document Comparison and Compliance

  • Validation of the mark-up from initial conversion through to typesetting
  • Strict comparison algorithms enable UKLA/STBL and German/BaFin regulatory compliant comparisons
  • User edits of the mark-up are validated before typesetting
  • Users are notified of all validation errors with a link to the standard documentation

Outputs & Pipelines

  • PDF/PostScript
  • MS Word generation from SML or XML typeset outputs
  • Edgar 2/XBRL


We develop all our software in-house using the latest .Net and Java platforms with each of the main core components combined to provide an efficient workflow that can also work standalone or be integrated with other 3rd party systems.

Complete Service

With our experienced development team and value-added resellers, we are able to offer a full package of consultancy, including software development services, training and support, whatever the size or complexity of your requirement.

If you would like more information on Squaremoons Financial Solutions, please contact us.